Saturday, January 22, 2011

The year of changes....

Last year at this point I could already see it would be the year I would not sleep, and I was correct. But this year I have all new fun in store. This year will be the year of change.

1. The husband and I just signed a lease on a house which we will move into in March.
2. My qualifying exams and Dis. proposal are also set for March.
3. The summer will commence my starting the dissertation.
4. The Job hunt will begin in the fall.
5. My friendships keep changing.
6. My relationship with my mother is evolving (which is a really good thing)
7. Still have baby fever but that will still have to be on hold until I get a job. UGH.

Overall I should be freaking out. But I'm not. It's strange. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am just a tiny bit of a control freak (wink wink) but most of these changes leave little for me to control. In my youth I would be freaking out, but as I am standing outside the 30th year of my life I am calm cool and pretty collected. My friend tells me this is my "Saturn return" I am not sure how much I buy into the whole stars and moon stuff but I am seeing a difference in my outlook.

Sigh... It is times like this that I am eternally grateful for the friends who understand me, the husband who seems to love me no matter what, and the ability to journal and reflect when I need to.

1 comment:

MollyZilla said...

Congrats on the new place! I'm sure things will go well for you this year, you will graduate a doctor, find a job, and get that baby! :)